Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm Hooked

Thanks to Eric's cousin, Zach, we were introduced to the joys of Guitar Hero while visiting our family over the holidays. When I first heard about the game, I thought, "That sounds really stupid." Well, it is stupid, but it's also a lot of fun. Eric and I saved some of our Christmas money so that we too could be the proud owners of Guitar Hero (although we only have Guitar Hero II, and we have a generic guitar). On Sunday, our first day of ownership, I played so much that I had to put Icy Hot on my wrists before going to bed. That's embarrassing. And, here's what real guitar players think about people who play Guitar Hero:


Mauri said...

Classic! I can't wait for a guitar hero par-tay. Bring on the icy hot!

Gretchen said...

I have to admit I wasn't drawn to Guitar Hero until you lit up as you talked about it.

By the way, when I was in high school, I was also hooked on Steven King novels. My parents didn't know what I was reading either. I remember when I read "It" before I went to bed I would read "Lonesome Dove". It put me to sleep everytime. Don't tell my husband because he absolutely loves that book. haha.

Jenny Wilkinson said...

I am now scared of guitar hero. You know my addiction capabilities. But the thought of even pretending to play along with Heart is so exciting that I will have to try.

Scott McBryde said...

Loved your blog. As a fellow Guitar Hero addict, i salute you... rock on. It was almost a spiritual experience the first time I got tp play all the way through Free Bird on GH II. Take care!

Wendy said...

And now, thanks to an evening hanging out with your husband, my husband is constantly scouring ebay for a gaming system with guitar hero. :)