Tuesday, January 1, 2008


When I was at my parents' over the holidays, we spent one evening going through boxes of pictures, and this is just one of the gems I found. Yes, this is me in 1992 at 15 years old. Note the huge hair and glasses, the color block shirt, and the stirrup pants. If you're observant, you'll notice that I'm reading It by Stephen King. During my junior high and early high school years, I was obsessed with him, and I was clearly very irritated that someone had interrupted my reading to take this picture. Go ahead...have some fun at my expense!


Rebekah Scott, M.MFT, LPC, LMFTA said...

This is awesome even more awesome that you will post this picture; maybe somehow this will find its way in a certain graduating class presentation in say August!!! hope you had a good break

Felicia said...

Hilarious! I'm proud that you had the courage to post this one! I think my parents had that same couch and I definitely had a pair of those stirrup pants as well.

Wendy said...


Jenny Wilkinson said...


Shelly said...

Your hair is totally rad.

Mauri said...

I wish I could find the words, friend. WOW.

Leah said...

Impressive! I tried getting a perm 4 x and it never looked like yours! What would be more impressive is if you still had the outfit? Can we expect a runway showing Sunday?

Wendy said...

I knew Jaime reminded me of someone. Anyone a fan of Troop Beverly Hills? http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Cinema/7411/tbhh20.jpg

Jaime Goff said...

Wendy, I tried to copy and paste your link, but it wouldn't work. Could you try posting it again? I'm really curious to see exactly who I remind you of!

Wendy said...

Yes, you need to see this! The pic is blurry (couldn't find any better ones in my Google search), but if you've seen Troop Beverly Hills, you'll recognize it. Here's a second try, but I added a line break to make sure it would all show up:


Cole said...

Jaime--oh my.