Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thanks, Cecelia!

Thanks to my mother-in-law, Cecelia, Oscar and Cassie did not have to go without cute Christmas apparel. Oscar, the orange cat, was happy to don his new collar. He posed beautifully for the camera. Cassie, on the other hand, is another story. Sometime in her early kittenhood, she developed a fear of bells. This happened before she came to live with our family, so we have no idea what trauma befell her that involved jingling bells. We put the collar on her, hoping that her fear had subsided, but alas, we were wrong. As soon as she took one step and heard the jingling, she froze. The picture shows the position in which she remained for about 5 minutes before trying to back out of the collar. We graciously removed the collar just after taking the picture (for those of you who might be concerned about cruelty to animals). It's too late to get Christmas cards made, so the pictures posted here will have to do. Thanks, Cecelia!

1 comment:

Mauri said...

Oh, Yay! Last night I heard the tail end of the story, but wasn't sure what you were talking about! I didn't realize you got your wish! Poor little Cassy. Maybe you could cut the bells off and she'd wear it!