Friday, May 23, 2008

Your Kingdom Come

"Our time would be a good time for your kingdom to come, because we have had enough of violence and travail." -Walter Brueggeman

As I look around at the world, I sometimes see little of the hope, joy, and peace that is supposed to come with the establishment of God's kingdom. Families are marred by conflict and tension; churches fight against one another; thousands of people are dying in natural disasters, in wars, and from famine. The poorest of the poor are hungrier than ever because of food shortages in the very places where food is most needed. The world is consumed with poverty and injustice. As I look back through the 2000 years of history since Christ dwelt with us on this earth, I wonder, have we made any progress on a grand scale? Or are things the same? Will they always be the same?

We have been trying to figure out the nature of God's kingdom for that 2000 years as well. Did he mean for us to conquer the world, threatening all those who choose not to bow down to him with violence? I don't think so. Did he mean only that his kingdom consists of the church and the people within it taking care of their own? I hope not. Did he mean only his heavenly kingdom and that we have no power to bring his justice to the earth? Again, I hope not, for this would produce a people concerned first and foremost for themselves as they become so consumed looking up and forward that they forget to look around. It has been so long...2000 years! What is God waiting for? What are we waiting for?

God, help us to be aware of our roles in the hastening of your kingdom, whatever its true nature may be. May we seek answers to the question, "What can I do to set forward the coming of the day of universal peace?"

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Great thoughts. You -- and by you, I mean me -- can't say the Lord's Prayer every Sunday (except when you're camping, and forget) and not think about your incompetence and confusion in imagining and furthering "His Will." Well, actually, now that I think about it, maybe a black night of stars and crickets does the very same thing...