Friday, November 14, 2008

Pro-Life and Democrat

Although the excitement has died down a bit since the end of election season, I just came upon this video of Dr. Shaun Casey. Dr. Casey is a graduate of ACU and served as a Senior Advisor for Evangelical Outreach for Barack Obama during the campaign. He is a member of the Church of Christ, and he visited ACU during election season to talk with students, faculty, and staff about faith in public life (ACU also invited a prominent Republican speaker). In this video, he addresses the myth that having a Republican president or a Republican majority Congress or Supreme Court will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and, therefore, to the end of abortion in the US. For those of you have asked me and countless other Christians who identify themselves with the Democratic party, this is how I can be a Democrat and pro-life.

Shaun Casey on Abortion from Christopher Berry on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Cole said...

You know, Jaime, I have a lot of respect for Democrats who are pro-life, because I know they are a minority in their party. I am very saddened by the fact that as of yesterday (1/23/09), Obama has restored the legislation that now has our tax money paying for abortions. I hope pro-life Democrats are encouraging Democratic leaders to listen to their pro-life views.