Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prayer for Peace

Our prayer in graduate chapel today:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth,
Holy and Awesome is your name.
The earth and all that is in it is yours,
And so is the world and those who live in it.
You created us and placed us here to love you and one another,
And to lie at peace with all people.
But LORD, we have failed to do this,
And so your peace has eluded humanity.
We come before you conscious of many who live without peace;
Without the inner peace of knowing you and without the outer peace of security.
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For the people of Iraq and Afghanistan,
For the people of Israel and the Palestinian territories,
For the people of Syria and Lebanon,
For the people of Pakistan and India,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For those who live in Sudan and Somalia,
For those who live in Uganda and Kenya,
For those who live in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Cote d'Ivoire,
For those who live in Liberia and Sierra Leone,
For those who live in Chad and Zimbabwe,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For the people of Georgia and Russia,
For the people of North Korea and South Korea,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For the poor and homeless,
For the neglected and the rejected,
For the abused and the molested,
For the orphaned and the fatherless,
For the widow and the lonely,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For the greedy and the selfish,
For those who live in plenty and yet are never content,
For those who promote greed by their cowardice,
For those who condone selfish living by their silence,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.

For us who are impoverished of your love,
For us, sinners in need of your grace,
We humbly beg you:

O LORD, Sovereign of all the heavens and earth
We plead that you may grant your peace.
Through Jesus Christ your son, we have prayed, Amen.

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